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Serving all of
Orange County

Tax Preparation & Financial Planning Services

I prepare all types of personal income tax returns, including the Federal 1040 and all State returns (45 states).

I can handle just about any tax situation, prepare returns and provide advice for those who are retired, disabled, self-employed, unemployed, students, and many others.

I will gather all of your paperwork and interview you to make sure that no deduction is overlooked. I will then e-file your return and provide you with an electronic and/or paper copy. I will also provide free advice on how you can reduce your taxes next year.

But my service doesn’t end there. I am available all year round to help you with any tax situation that comes up. Got a notice from the IRS? I got your back! Need an extra copy of your tax return? No problem! Questions or concerns? I am here for you! All for no extra charge.

I also have experience filing tax returns for expat U.S. citizens living in foreign countries, and can help non-residents who need to file U.S. tax returns for their U.S. source income. No matter where you are, I can take care of everything via phone/fax, video conference, e-mail, or mail.

I prepare and file all types of business returns, including:

  • Schedule C – Self-employed/Independent Contractors
  • Form 1065 & Schedule K-1 – Partnerships and LLCs
  • Form 1120 – Corporations
  • Form 1120-S – S-Corporations
  • Form 990 & 990-T – Non-Profit Organizations
  • Form 1099 & 1096 – Independent Contractors
  • State Income Tax Returns
  • State Sales Tax Returns

I do not provide payroll tax service, but can refer you to reputable services that I work with.

I also provide consulting and planning services for small businesses. I am an expert in QuickBooks and can help you set it up and use it more effectively for your business. Please contact me to learn more.

I can prepare many specialized tax returns, including the following:

  • Form 1041 – Estates and Trusts
  • Form 706 – Estate Tax
  • Form 709 – Gift Tax

If you have a special tax situation but don’t see it mentioned on this site, please contact me to see if I can help you.

If you didn’t file your tax return last year, it’s not too late. Even if you haven’t filed for several years, I can help. The important thing is to file your return(s) as soon as possible, even if you are unable to pay the entire balance due. The IRS assesses separate penalties for failure to file and failure to pay, which increase every month the return is late. Filing a return will at least stop the late filing penalties from increasing.

Just because you haven’t received a notice from the IRS doesn’t mean that they have forgotten you. The IRS doesn’t forget. If you ignore the problem it will not go away. The IRS has the power to seize assets and garnish wages. Don’t let it get that far. If you can’t pay the entire amount of taxes you owe, you may be able to take up to 6 years to pay with an installment program from the IRS.

You could even have a refund or tax rebate coming and not know about it–filing your late returns could actually result in payment to you. You have up to 3 years to claim your refund(s).

Contact me today and let us help bring you peace of mind by taking care of your late tax returns.

I go beyond tax preparation services and offer a full range of financial planning and consulting services, including:

  • Tax Planning – Proven strategies for maximizing your tax savings
  • College/Retirement – Save and reduce taxes with a 529 plan or IRA
  • Health Care Savings – Lower your health care costs and reduce taxes
  • Debt Reduction – Pay off your debts in the least amount of time
  • Credit Repair – Understand your credit score and how to improve it
  • Incorporation – S-Corp, C-Corp, LLC, or Partnership–which is best?
  • Quicken and QuickBooks – Software to manage your finances
  • Investment Strategies – Build a customized portfolio for maximum return on your investment*

Contact me for more information about these and other services I offer to help you build wealth and financial security.

* Investment advisory services offered under license from the California Department of Corporations as a Registered Investment Advisor under Section 25009 of the California Corporations Code.